Sign up now for Activ8-the most exciting, thought-provoking conference you'll attend all year! (June 29th)

Simply print this page (or download the PDF and print it), fill in the blanks, and FAX it back with credit card info to:

Attn: Tracy Strand,
Fax: 425.837.8340,
Phone: 206.362.4007

Or MAIL with check or credit card info to:

AIGA Seattle
Attn: Admission/2001 Currents
PO Box 94064, Seattle, WA 98124

Registrations must include payment.

Name: _______________________________

Company: ____________________________

Phone: _______/_______________________

Email: ________________________________

Address: ______________________________



_____AIGA members $150
_____Non-members $200
_____Student members $125
_____Student non-members $150

Currents offers discounts to companies-send five people and a sixth can attend for free. Three Student-Winners from the Trapeze Awards will receive free admission.

Sorry, no refunds. If you have registration questions, please call: 425-837-8340.

Circle one: VISA     MC     Check

Card#: _______________________________

Expiration Date: ____/____/____

Signature: _______________________________

For more information on AIGA membership visit

To participate in Collabor8! you must have prior experience with the Adobe program you choose. All spots for Collabor8! will be filled on a first-come first-served basis. To sign up, rank the programs in order of preference. Only rank the programs you have some knowledge of. You will then be assigned to one 45-minute session.

____ GoLive
____ AfterEffects
____ Live Motion
____ Premiere